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Chicken Tikka Masala
“Salt, Red Chilli, Cumin, Garlic, Paprika, Ginger, Papaya, Black Pepper, Long Pepper, Acid (Citric Acid), Turmeric, Caraway, Fennel, Muskmelon, Acidity Regulator (Tartaric Acid), Arti cial Barbecue Flavoring, Anti Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bay Leaves, Big Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove”
Serving Suggestion
“Serve with fresh salad and Mehran Chutney/Sauce. Serving for 6 – 8 people. (1 packet 50g)”
Preparation Time
1 hour.
- Make cuts on each chicken piece.
- In a bowl add Mehran Chicken Tikka Masala and all the ingredients except butter/oil/ghee and apply evenly on all the chicken pieces. Mix well let it Marinate for 11/2 – 2 hours.
- Put each piece on skewer and grill on low heat of gas/coal re in a barbecue grill.
- Apply butter/oil/ghee on each side and turn the skewer to heat evenly. Grill until the chicken becomes tender. Remove from heat when it turns light brown.